Monday, January 2, 2012



Sometimes a little pick-me-up can be a solid perfume mixture of oil worn on your wrists, with the excess dabbed just under your nostrils.  This is very non-offensive as the oils will wear off within an hour, and do not contain chemicals that may not agree with others around you.

First make a base of solid wax.

Solid Perfume Wax Base
Boil water in a double boiler, and in a melting pot, melt:

2 heaping teaspoons of white beeswax (not to be confused with candle beeswax, check with your craft supplier to make sure the proper wax is the one you can use topically)
2 tablespoons of castor oil
1 teaspoon of coconut oil

Prepare your small cosmetic containers (30 ml for the recipes below) by first dropping in the essential oils that are your favourites mixed together or on their own.  (**Note, do NOT add them after you pour or you will end up with spotty, unmixed, uneven, and unsightly mixtures as the waxes immediately begin cooling.)  Swish around melted wax, and get ready to pour!

Headache Rub

8 drops of Peppermint
6 drops of Lavender
4 drops of Eucalyptus

Dab on your temples, or a little under the nose for fast relief.

Floral Perfume

6 drops of Rose
4 drops of Geranium
4 drops of Rosemary
2 drops of Jasmine

Elegance Perfume

2 drops of Lemon
2 drops of Bergamot
2 drops of Jasmine
2 drops of Neroli
2 drops of Rose
2 drops of Ylang Ylang

Both perfumes are lovely when dabbed on the back of your wrists, earlobes, knees.. and cleavage. :)


Vapor Rub

3 Tbsp of Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp of Beeswax
8 Drops of Camphor*
8 Drops of Eucalyptus
3 Drops of Peppermint
3 Drops of Lavender

In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil.  Prepare a jar with the oils, swish around, then add the melted oil to the mixture.  Allow it to cool and set, then top it tightly with a lid.
*You may omit this oil at your discretion.  Camphor should not be used regularly.  Aromatherapy list this as a "dangerous" oil that should only be used sparingly. 

Lavender Lip Balm
Prepare the Solid Perfume Base Wax for a smooth balm, OR
Prepare melted Coconut Oil
(The texture of your balm is up to you, coconut oil is much more moisturizing - more salve-like.)
In a cosmetic container, add:

6-8 Drops of Lavender
4 Drops of Chamomile
2 Drops of Lemon
2 Drops of Rose

Swish around the oils, and pour the melted oil to the mixture.  Cool and set, top it with a lid.

Head & Heel Salve
Melt 2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil and 1 Heaping Tsp of Beeswax in a double boiler and prepare a jar with the following oils:

1/2 Tsp of Jojoba Oil
8 Drops of Peppermint
5 Drops of Chamomile
3-4 Drops of Cypress

Swish around the oils together in the jar, then pour melted oil in to the mixture.  Top it with a lid.  (This mixture will not be cream-like or wax-like.  This is more of an oily-mixture, and when applied generously to the bottom of your feet, concentrating on the heels, this will also help relieve a headache at the same time!