Monday, January 2, 2012

Creams & Lotions

Acne Face Cream

Mix the following oils to 3 Heaping Tbsp of Unscented Organic Cream:

4 Drops of Tea Tree
2 Drops of Peppermint
2 Drops of Lavender

(Unfortunately, I'm not a cream-maker - at least not yet.  But unscented organic creams can be bought from pharmacies or health food stores.  You want to make sure the cream has no added medication or scents to it.  For this recipe, it is best to use a fine cream rather than a thick cream, and apply before bed.)

Hair Repair

In a 20-30ml bottle of Jojoba Oil, add the following essential oils:

5 Drops Rosemary
3 Drops Ylang Ylang

Tighten with a lid, and gently mix together before each use.  Dab a nickel-sized amount in to your hands and rub in to your hands as if you are using hand cream.  For longer hair, use a little more.  Take your oiled hands and apply to dry hair - or nearly dried hair after a shower, and run your fingers through your hair, concentrating on damaged ends.  Once finished, instead of washing your hands clean, rub the rest of what you have on your neck and arms (makes a nice little skin softener).

Toe Nail Rub

1 Tbsp Jojoba Oil
3 Drops of Tea Tree Oil
1 Drop of Cypress
1 Drop of Oregano***

After mixing oils together, take a cotton swab and apply directly on top of the nail bed of your toes, under the nail, the cuticle, and on the toes themselves.  Massage in with your fingers.  With excess oil on your hands, give your fingernails some love!  (**Note, do not apply nail polish immediately after.  Nails must be completely dried before adding polish!)
***Not recommended to apply on hands before a night out on the town as you might smell like a pizza.

Daily Dental Pain Relief

I wasn't sure where to house this very beneficial tip, as it's not a lotion, balm, bath, or spray.  Oil of Oregano is the ultimate bacteria and fungus killer.  It is an oil you can use each time you brush your teeth and use mouthwash.

Before brushing your teeth, use 1 Drop of Oregano Oil directly on to your toothpaste.  Brush.  (If you have a particularly sensitive area, take the brush and start there to directly get the oil working in that area.)

Before using mouthwash, pour desired amount of mouthwash in a glass, add 1 Drop of Oregano Oil to the mouthwash, swirl around, and then use as you normally would (without swallowing).
It’s been said that Oil of Oregano may stain your teeth, but when I personally use it each day I'm not incredibly concerned as I've never had gleaming white teeth anyway.  This oil is amazing for teeth sensitivity, or helping calm your mouth after dental work has been done.  Because Oil of Oregano is such an amazing germ and bacteria killer, using daily during your dental routine will keep other illnesses away such as cold and flu!